Silvia Wulandari, Romlah Ulfaika


The vocabulary has a significant contribution to support the successful students of learning English. The objective was to find out the Student difficulties in vocabulary mastery of the tenth- grade of SMK Negeri 2 Malinau Kota. The researcher had used a descriptive quantitative method. The subjects were the tenth-grade students of SMK Negeri 2 Malinau Kota in the 2020/2021 academic year. The total population of the researcher was 216 students. The sample had been selected by using purposive sampling technique with 35 students as the sample. The researcher collected the data by using a vocabulary test and a questionnaire. The vocabulary test was used to analyze the types of difficulties in vocabulary mastery in terms of grammar and meaning. The questionnaire was used to analyze the student's difficulties in vocabulary mastery. The data were analyzed using the descriptive analysis to analyze student difficulties in the form of vocabulary tests and the percentage of the student difficulties in the form of a questionnaire.  The results of the  research  showed.  First,  from  the  results  of the vocabulary test, 16%  of students had difficulty in meaning. Then, 39.5% of students were difficult in grammar. Second, the questionnaire results related to the grammar and meaning. Thus, it concluded that First, there are two types of student difficulties in vocabulary mastery in meaning and grammar. Second, the most dominant student difficulty was grammar.


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