Flowering Response of Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum indicum L.) from Different Cuttings Material and Doses Variation of NPK Mutiara Fertilizer Application

Willem Willem, Sri Wahyu Ningsih


Chrysanthemum is an ornamental plant originating from the mainland of China in the form of shrubs and has a variety of colors and species. Chrysanthemum production in Indonesia began to increase from year to year. This increase in production is also offset by an increase in problems, especially in the field of cultivation. This study aims to determine the effect of the origin of planting material (chrysanthemum seeds and dose of NPK fertilizer on chrysanthemum flowering). This study consisted of two factors, the first factor was the origin of the planting material (tillers and branches), and the second factor was the dose of NPK Mutiara fertilizer (2 grams/plant, 4 grams/plant, and 6 grams/plant). The results of the research, testing of tiller cuttings produced more branches that produced flowers, while branch cuttings produced flowers more quickly. The interaction of different tiller cuttings, branches and doses of NPK Mutiara had a significant effect on the observation of plant height in P2N3, the number of leaves in P2N3, the number of tillers in P2N2, the number of branches in P2N3, the number of branches that produced P2N2 flowers, and the number of flowers on the main stem of P2N3. However, from tiller and branch cuttings, the more influential dose of NPK Mutiara fertilizer or better growth was found in the fertilizer dose treatment of 6 grams (P2N3).

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35334/iciksa.v0i0.79


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Jurnal J-Pen Borneo:Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian

Faculty of Agriculture, University Of Borneo Tarakan

Tarakan city, North Borneo Province, Indonesia