Influence of Growth Regulators and Hot Water on Rice Seeds and Seedlings (Oryza sativa L) Infected with Nematodes

Muh. Adiwena, Siti Nurita


A. besseyi is a nematode species that causes white tip disease and is widespread in rice cultivation areas in Indonesia. A. Besseyi can be controlled by hot water treatment. But, using hot water treatment in seeds may decrease the percentage of germinated seeds. So, this study will examine the combination of hot water treatment to controlled nematodes and growth regulators as things that can maintain or improve the percentage of germinated seeds. The result shows that Water 55 OC + 100 % coconut water (P8), water 60 OC + 100 % coconut water (P9), water 55 OC + onion water 100 % (P11), and water 60 OC + onion water 100 % (P12) give 100 % of germinated seeds. have best value while water 60 OC (P3), water 60 OC + 1 ppm Rootone F (P6), water 60 OC + 100 % coconut water (P9), and water 60 OC + onion water 100 % (P12) is the best treatment in the parameters of the percentage of symptomatic seedlings that are mutually not significantly different from the lowest value in P3 which is 16.67 %.

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Jurnal J-Pen Borneo:Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian

Faculty of Agriculture, University Of Borneo Tarakan

Tarakan city, North Borneo Province, Indonesia