Analyzing The Coffee Raw Material Supply Control In Tarakan Brewing House Coffee Shop

Khaerunnisa Khaerunnisa, Luthfi Abdilah, Masitah Masitah, Fitriani R, Ayu Wulandary


Raw materials are one of the determining factors in the smooth production process. So that every company must have a sufficient supply of raw materials sufficient and adequate in supporting production activities. When supply If the raw materials stagnate, the production process activities will be hampered. The delay the production process will affect the level of output produced. Study This study aims to find out as well as describe how activities existing control management at the Tarakan Brewing House coffee shop and then analyze the optimal number of orders for raw materials with using the EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) method. Method used in this research is a quantitative descriptive analysis where management Inventory control is described according to what Tarakan shop Brewing House do then analyze economic order quantity by EOQ (Economy Order Quantity) method, calculation of safety stock (Safety Stock), and determining when to order raw materials back ROP (Reorder Points). The results of this study indicate that the Tarakan Brewing coffee shop House has so far made 26 orders with a total order as much as 130 kg, the average order is 10,833 kg. The total cost of the order issued by the owner of the Tarakan Brewing House coffee shop in a year amounting to Rp. 9,750,000 and the total inventory cost is Rp. 10,710,000 if using the EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) method, the total cost an order of Rp. 3,059,412, total storage cost Rp. 3,059,412 and total inventory cost of Rp. 6,118,823. EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) Method also causes the frequency of purchases to be less that is 4 times, the order quantity optimum of 31.87 kg time to reorder when inventory reaches 2,333 kg with a waiting time of 3 days and a safety stock of 13 kg EOQ (Economy Order Quantity) calculation, which can thus be used as a alternative for Tarakan Brewing House coffee shop in controlling inventory raw material. The use of the EOQ (Economy Order Quantity) method can save on inventory costs at the Tarakan Brewing House coffee shop by Rp. 4,591,177 for a year.

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Jurnal J-Pen Borneo:Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian

Faculty of Agriculture, University Of Borneo Tarakan

Tarakan city, North Borneo Province, Indonesia