The Preferences of Rat Pests on the Bait Trap of Cassava in Rice Field on Tarakan Island

Abdul Rahim, Akbar Akbar, Sherly Lukas


Rats are the main pests in rice cultivation areas. Baits trap are one of alternative control it. Cassava is the food of rats which is potential use as bait. This study were conducted test cassava as bait, and to compare the level of preference of rats to only cassava bait and cassava plus coconut water. The identified preferences of rats which indicated from number of incidence and individual rats on bait trap. Each bait traps were repeated 4 (four) times which was carried out at three locations (Mamburungan, Karungan, and Tanjung Pasir). In each location, there were 3 (three) time of sampling. Data analysis used a non-parametric Chi-Square for the relationship between the type of baits (presence of rats in each bait), and the Wilcoxon test to compare between treatments. The results showed that cassava potentially as bait on traps. There were 5 (five) times of presences rats in baits trap. Then, we were collected 7 (seven) individual rats on this research. Furthermore, there is no significant difference in the level of rat preference for the use of bait made from cassava plus coconut water, and only cassava.

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Faculty of Agriculture, University Of Borneo Tarakan

Tarakan city, North Borneo Province, Indonesia