Nia Kurniasih Suryana, Rendy Kristian


The agricultural extension aims to change the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of farmers for the better. The services provided by extension workers in the extension process are factors that can affect the achievement of agricultural extension goals. This study aims to (1) know the response of farmers to the attributes of agricultural extension services in Panca Agung Village and (2) determine the level of satisfaction of rice farmers with agricultural extension services in Panca Agung Village.   The data analysis used in this study is (1) Descriptive qualitative to determine the attributes of agricultural extension services in Panca Agung Village, (2) Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) to determine the level of satisfaction of rice farmers with agricultural extension services in Panca Agung Village. The results showed (1) a. reliable extension workers in helping to solve the problems of farmers. b. Swiftly responding to complaints and easy to find. c. Provide guarantees for the success of the innovation provided d. Have empathy, care, a good attitude, use polite language, and be easy to understand. e. Proving the correctness of the innovation delivered (2) the level of satisfaction of rice farmers with agricultural extension workers in Panca Agung Village, including in the satisfied category with a CSI value of 75.34%. This value is in the range between 60% < CSI ≤ 80%.

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Jurnal J-Pen Borneo:Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian

Faculty of Agriculture, University Of Borneo Tarakan

Tarakan city, North Borneo Province, Indonesia