Nove Kurniati Sari, Etty Wahyuni MS, Banyuriatiga Banyuriatiga, Leo Toad Nur Madjid


Tofu and tempeh production is classified as a small-scale industry, which typically lacks standardized wastewater treatment facilities. This situation also occurs in the Karang Anyar village community, where poorly managed waste produced by these industries could have negative impacts on the local community. This situation motivated researchers to investigate how these production businesses manage their waste and how the community perceives the impact of the waste they generate. The research uses purposive sampling to select the locations and respondents, which include business owners and members of the surrounding community. The first objective of data analysis involves a descriptive analysis to gain an understanding of the facts and conditions surrounding waste management in tofu and tempeh production businesses. The second objective focuses on determining the community's perceptions of aesthetics, odor, and the environment. Respondents include business owners who have been operating for more than 5 years, as well as community members living within 500 meters of the production businesses and near drainage channels. The results of the study reveal that none of the 7 tofu and tempeh production businesses surveyed had standardized wastewater treatment facilities, leading to waste being directly discharged into the surrounding drainage channels. The community's perception of this business practice is categorized as "Neutral."

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Jurnal J-Pen Borneo:Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian

Faculty of Agriculture, University Of Borneo Tarakan

Tarakan city, North Borneo Province, Indonesia