Titik Ismandari


Karamunting leaves (Rhodomyrtus tumentosa,(W.Ait),Myrtaceae) are very potential leaves in Kalimantan. Karamunting leaves contain bioactive compounds of flavonoids, alkaloids, steroids and saponins. Flavonoids are known to play a role in capturing free radicals or function as natural antioxidants. In lowering blood sugar, flavonoids have mechanisms of action, including inhibiting α-glucosidase enzyme activity, inhibiting fatty acid oxidation, and capturing free radicals. Karamunting leaves are a very abundant source of flavonoids. The use of karamunting leaf flavonoids as a medicine for diabetes mellitus is obtained by extraction, this also has a patent certificate. The treatment that will be used in this study is drying by providing variations in temperature and drying time, and based on the level of leaf location. This research aims to: Determining the optimal temperature and drying time and protecting the total phenol and bioactive compounds in karamunting leaves, determine the level of leaves that have optimal total phenol and bioactive compounds. This study used Response Surface Method/RSM Analysis with a Central Composite Design consisting of 3 factors. The response variable (Y) is water content and the amount of phenol resulting from drying, while the independent variable (X) consists of 3 factors, namely drying time (X1) consisting of 3 levels (120, 150 and 180 minutes), drying temperature (X2) consisting of 3 levels (50, 60, and 70 ºC), and the karamunting leaf stage (X3) consists of 3 levels (1-5 from shoots, 6-10 from shoots, and 11-15 from shoots). Parameters observed were: amount of phenol, water content, and components of bioactive compounds. The results showed that optimization of the drying treatment was obtained when the drying time reached 180 minutes, the drying temperature was 70 ºC, and the 3rd leaf level, would give the best results, namely total phenol 61.038 mg GAE/g and water content 3.504%.

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Faculty of Agriculture, University Of Borneo Tarakan

Tarakan city, North Borneo Province, Indonesia