Sekar Inten Mulyani, Ravik Karsidi, Drajat Tri Kartono, Sapja Anantanyu


Cardamom is one of the agricultural products in the form of a spice which has high economic value. This is supported by the high commodity prices of cardamom in the international market. The high price of cardamom has no implications for the welfare level of farmers. The farmer's exchange rate (NTP) for horticultural crops as an indicator of the welfare level is 91.89, which means that the NTP is <100, indicating that horticultural farmers are not prosperous [1]. The low NTP has resulted in farmers not being independent and still depending on outsiders to improve their welfare. The problems faced by farmers are price, market, capital and technology factors. The development of CSR until now has not provided a common definition. The company's main goal is profit so that CSR is considered a program that will reduce the value of profits. Through CSR the company only fulfills stakeholder expectations and aims to improve reputation [2]. CSR programs have an impact on society if the program is sustainable, one of which is through empowering farmers. After the empowered farmers are continued with farmer-company partnerships so that the partnerships are mutually beneficial because farmers are no longer objects but subjects or actors in the program. The company PT Sido Muncul has a CSR program that aims to increase the capacity of farmers through community development programs . This study aims to analyze PT Sido Muncul's CSR program in empowering farmers. The research was conducted at PT Sido Muncul Tbk from January to March 2023. Using the case study method and qualitatively analyzing it using the interactive model according to Miles and Huberman. Primary data was obtained through in-depth interviews with CSR division employees including Public Relations, Comdev and partnerships. Secondary data includes PT Sido Muncul's 2020, 2021 and 2022 sustainability reports, BPS and other supporting documents. Implementation of the CSR program includes: the planning stage, namely social mapping activities and Focus Groups Discussion (FGD) with relevant stakeholders. The implementation stage of the program is by empowering and assisting farmers through the spice village program. The Spice Village program in Banyumas is a partnership program between the company and partner farmers as cardamom suppliers for the raw material for the herbal medicine industry in the form of simplicity. Prior to becoming partner farmers, they were given capacity building through training and mentoring in cardamom cultivation so they were able to produce raw materials according to company standards . Program evaluation stages are carried out at the end of each year to see the success of the program. The empowerment of cardamom farmers carried out by PT Sido Muncul's CSR has been able to increase farmers' income through the turnover of cardamom shipments to factories which continues to increase.

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Jurnal J-Pen Borneo:Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian

Faculty of Agriculture, University Of Borneo Tarakan

Tarakan city, North Borneo Province, Indonesia