Nurjannah Nurjannah, Tasrifah Tasrifah, Titik Ismandari


Bok choy and green onion are vegetable commodities that are easily damaged caused by the rate of transpiration which causes these vegetables to wilt and rot easily. The use of packaging has been proven to reduce damage on several types of vegetables such as cabbage, chili, okra and green mustard . However, the types and suitable packaging conditions are not the same for all types of vegetables, this is due to the different characteristics and environmental requirements. So it is necessary to carry out further research on the types of packaging that are able to maintain the quality of bok choy and green onion. In this research, bok choy and green onion packed using three types of plastic packaging, namely PP (polypropylene), PE (Polyethylene), and Wraping plastic. Packaged bok choy and green onions then stored for six days. Observations were made for weight loss, texture changes , color changes, and water content. Data on weight loss and water content were analyzed using the Anova method (Analysis of Variance), physical test data (change in color and texture) were analyzed using a quantitative descriptive method. From this study it is known that packaging has a significant effect on changes in weight loss and water content of bok choy and green onion during storage. Packaging using PP plastic can best suppress the weight loss of bok choy for up to four days of storage at room temperature. Meanwhile, for green onions, the best packaging for reducing weight loss was Plastic Wrapping, the packaging was able to maintain the weight of green onion until the 5th day of storage at room temperature. In contrast to chemical observations, physical observations showed that bok choy and green onions packaged using polyethylene plastic produced the highest scores in physical tests. Packaging of bok choy and green onions using plastic is able to maintain the quality of these commodities better than not being packaged, and the best type of packaging is Plastic Wrapping.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35334/iciksa.v0i0.176


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Jurnal J-Pen Borneo:Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian

Faculty of Agriculture, University Of Borneo Tarakan

Tarakan city, North Borneo Province, Indonesia