Analysis Of Infiltration Rate In Sub District Of North Tarakan, Tarakan City, Province Of North Kalimantan, Indonesia

Sudirman Sirait, Dwi Santoso, Qori Khusnul Perlita, M. Afif Ma’ruf Gamali, Saat Egra, Rahmi Putri Yanti


Land use changes in an area will affect the infiltration rate for groundwater filling both in quantity and quality. The infiltration rate can describe the water flow, the amount of water entering the soil vertically and the irrigation water requirements needed for certain types of plants. Basides that, the infiltration rate is also able to predict when a runoff will occur if a type of soil has received a certain amount of water either through rainfall or irrigation. Determining the amount of infiltration can be done by field measurements and mathematical calculations. Therefore, needed to research of infiltration rate analysis to support land resources and crop productivity. This study aims to analyze the infiltration rate in Sub District of North Tarakan, Juata Laut Village, Tarakan City, Province of North Kalimantan. This research is divided into several stages, namely determining the sample point, measuring the infiltration rate, and analyzing the data. Measurement of the field infiltration rate was carried out using a double ring infiltrometer at 15 sample points and each sample point was repeated 3 times. The data that has been obtained is then analyzed using the Horton method. The results showed that the lowest field infiltration rate was found at sample point A7, which was 6.93 cm/hour, the highest was at sample point A11, which was 28.53 cm/hour, and an average of 15.69 cm/hour. Based on the value of the field infiltration rate in Sub District of Juata Laut is included in the fast infiltration classification.

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Jurnal J-Pen Borneo:Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian

Faculty of Agriculture, University Of Borneo Tarakan

Tarakan city, North Borneo Province, Indonesia