Organoleptic Quality And Protein Content Of Banana Heart Shredded (Musa Paradisiaca L.) With The Addition Of Tuna

Siti Fatima, Masriani Masriani, Rizka Rizka, Dwi Santoso


This study aims to determine the effect of adding tuna to the organoleptic quality and protein content of the best banana heart shredded meat. This research has been carried out at the Agricultural Sciences Laboratory of the Tolitoli Mujahidin College of Agricultural Sciences in Tuweley Village, Baolan District, Tolitoli Regency, Central Sulawesi Province from June to August 2021. This study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method, which consisted of 6 treatments, namely r0 (100 g banana heart and 0 g tuna), r1 (100 g banana heart and 10 g tuna), r2 (100 g banana heart and 20 g tuna), r3 (100 g banana heart and tuna fish). 30g), r4 (100 g banana heart and 40 g tuna), r5 (100 g banana heart and 50 g tuna) with three replications. The parameters observed were organoleptic tests including color, aroma, taste, texture, protein content, water content and analysis data with analysis of variance. The results showed that shredded banana heart had a very significant effect on the value of color, aroma, taste, texture, protein content and water content. Shredded banana heart with the addition of tuna, which is the most preferred by the panelists is the shredded banana flower produced in treatment r5 with a ratio of 100 g of banana heart and 50 g of tuna. From the results of chemical analysis, the highest protein content was in the r5 treatment with a value of 42,98%. The highest water content was in the r3 treatment with a value of 9.37%. This is in accordance with the quality requirements of shredded according to SNI 7690-2013, where the protein content is at least 30% and the water content is maximum 15%.

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