Exploration of Cellulose Content in Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) Media

Saat Egra, Ramadendi Ramadendi, Etty Wahyuni, Dwi Santoso, Sudirman Sirait, Harlinda Kuspradini, Irawan Wijaya Kusuma, Kosei Yamauchi


Increased consumption of oyster mushrooms thrives in Tarakan, it is necessary to increase the production of oyster mushrooms starting with producing quality and fast mushroom seeds. This study aims to determine the increase in growth with various fungal mycelium growing media. The media used is a group of legumes that have cellulose sources, namely green beans, corn, miled, peanuts. This study uses the method of measuring the length of mycellium growth. This study showed that corn media gave the best response with the fastest growing maximum time of 14 days 10 cm. followed by millet, peanut, rice seed and mung bean with 18, 22, 24 and 32 days, respectively, at the point of maximum growth length of 10 cm. This shows that the legume group has the potential as a producer of cellulose for mushroom growing media

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35334/iciksa.v0i0.75


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Jurnal J-Pen Borneo:Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian

Faculty of Agriculture, University Of Borneo Tarakan

Tarakan city, North Borneo Province, Indonesia