Marketing Strategy Of Local Processed Food Products In The Time Of The Covid-19 Pandemic
Rayhana Jafar, Ahmad Mubarak, Elvina Salurapa
Local processed food products have potential prospects to be developed as a form of food diversification. Qobidh MSMEs are one of the business actors who face problems related to product marketing during the Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study is (1) to analyse the internal and external factors of Qobidh MSMEs. (2) To find out alternative marketing strategies for Qobidh SMEs during the pandemic. Sample determination using purposive sampling technique with key informants, namely the owners and employees of Qobidh MSMEs. The analysis method uses qualitative descriptive, IFAS and EFAS matrices, diagrams and SWOT matrices. The results of this study show that the internal factors of Qobidh MSMEs include strengths, namely: there are several flavour variants, without using preservatives, quality products, competitive prices, practical packaging, promotions utilising social media/online, weaknesses while including: Lack of labour, promotional activities are not optimal, information on packaging is still unclear, products are easily destroyed, lack of business capital. External factors include opportunities, namely: the presence of regular customers, the support of the government, being favoured by the public as interlude food, the use of online media as a means for promotion, while the threats are: competitors of fellow similar business actors, changes in consumer tastes, unstable prices for complementary and supporting materials. Alternative marketing strategies for Qobidh SMEs are aggressive strategies or SO including: maintaining product quality and improving sales services through online media, optimising the role of the government for product marketing, expanding marketing networks and using online media to increase sales.
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Jurnal J-Pen Borneo:Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian
Faculty of Agriculture, University Of Borneo Tarakan
Tarakan city, North Borneo Province, Indonesia