The diversity of insects found in polycultural land of green spinach (Amaranthus sp) in Sinar Harapan Farming Group, Tarakan

Nurmaisah Nurmaisah, Ruli Ardi Septiawan


The diversity of insect species has an important role in the ecosystem stability. The farming system in kampung enam village used a polyculture farming system. Polyculture farming can increase the ecosystem stability since providing a better environment for the predatory insects and parasitoids in controlling the natural pest population in a commodity. One horticultural commodity found in polyculture land in Sinar Harapan Farmer Group of Tarakan is spinach. The declining quality and production of spinach is caused by several plant-disturbing organisms, such as insects. This research aimed to figure out the diversity and dominance of insects in the polyculture land of green spinach (Amaranthus sp) in the Sinar Harapan Farmer Group of Tarakan. The data were collected using traps, such as yellow traps and pitfall traps. Furthermore, identification was conducted at the Plant Protection Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Borneo Tarakan. The obtained data were analysed using th Shannon Wiener diversity index and Simpson dominance. The research results show that the obtained insects were included into 9 orders, 36 families, 58 species with a total number of 912 individuals. Based on the analysis results using the Shannon Wiener diversity index and Simpson dominance, the diversity of insects in polyculture land of green spinach (Amaranthus sp) was 3.12 (H') in which the diversity was categorised into high. Meanwhile, the value of insect dominance index was 0,02 with the dominant insect type of dragonfly (Pantala flavescens) with a total number of 115 individuals.

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Jurnal J-Pen Borneo:Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian

Faculty of Agriculture, University Of Borneo Tarakan

Tarakan city, North Borneo Province, Indonesia