Marketing Efficiency Of Broiler Chicken Breeders With Partnership Pattern In North Tarakan District

Nurlela Machmuddin, Moberly Moberly, Elly Jumiati, Adi Sutrisno, Sekar Inten Mulyani


Marketing efficiency is important with the aim of improving the welfare of broiler breeders. This study aims (1) to determine the marketing chain for broiler chickens in partnership; (2) To analyze the marketing margins of partnership pattern broiler chickens. (3) To analyze Farmer's Share in the marketing of broiler chickens in partnership pattern in North Tarakan District. Determination of the location of the study was done intentionally and the method of collecting data for taking respondents in this study used the purposive and snowball methods. Data analysis was carried out by analyzing the pattern of marketing chain , marketing margins and farmer's share in the partnership pattern of broiler chicken business in North Tarakan District. The conclusion of the study is that there is only one pattern of broiler marketing chain, namely producers (breeders) - Partners (CV Paguntaka Mitra Sejahtera) - retailers - final consumers. the results of the calculation of the broiler marketing margin obtained a total marketing margin of Rp. 21,697. Farmer's share value in broiler chicken marketing in North Tarakan District is less than 50%, which is 34.25% with a margin percentage of 65.74% so it can be concluded that the efficiency of partnership pattern broiler marketing in North Tarakan District is not efficient. However, based on the results of the analysis, there are several advantages that can be obtained by breeders by partnering, including: 1) The price of chicken has been determined or agreed upon before carrying out the activities of raising chickens so that breeders do not feel worried about the fluctuations in the price of chicken. 2) Marketing of broiler chickens is guaranteed because there are partners who are ready to buy chickens when they are harvested. 3) The breeder only prepares the cage, while other food crops such as seeds, medicines and feed have been provided by the partner company (core). 4) By partnering, breeders are equipped with knowledge on how to raise livestock well through trainings conducted by partner companies (core).

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Jurnal J-Pen Borneo:Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian

Faculty of Agriculture, University Of Borneo Tarakan

Tarakan city, North Borneo Province, Indonesia