Analysis Of Women's Role And Contribution In Agribusiness Horticultural Commodity

Nia Kurniasih Suryana, Puji Utami


The contribution of women farmers in agricultural development is quite large. Women are the most important part in the agricultural sector as workers, both in providing agricultural facilities, cultivating crops, processing and post-harvest to marketing agricultural products. This study aims to analyze the role of women in horticultural agribusiness, workload and its contribution to household income. The research was conducted in Gunung Putih Village, Tanjung Palas Bulungan. Respondents amounted to 35 people. The data analysis used in this research is descriptive analysis. The results of the analysis show that the role of women in horticultural agribusiness is in the aspect of involvement activity, the role of men is more dominant than women, the type of activity that is dominantly carried out by men is the provision of fertilizers, provision of medicines, land clearing, making beds, seeding, watering, maintenance. While the dominant activities carried out by women are providing seeds, harvesting, and marketing. The participation of women in horticultural farming on opportunity (access) is greater than that of men. While on the authority (control) and benefits aspects, women and men have the same role. Women's working time in horticultural farming activities is mostly devoted to planting activities, which is 3.19 hours / respondent and the least is devoted to maintenance activities, which is 79.2 hours / respondent, and the contribution of female farmers' income in horticultural farming activities. in Gunung Putih Village, Tanjung Palas District, which is 41%.

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Jurnal J-Pen Borneo:Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian

Faculty of Agriculture, University Of Borneo Tarakan

Tarakan city, North Borneo Province, Indonesia