Viability Level of Soybean Seed (Glycine max L) Based on Treatment of Some Types of Onion Extract

Mardhiana Mardhiana, Muh. Adiwena, Dwi Santoso, Aditya Murtilaksono, Rani Oktaviani


Soybean plant in Indonesia is an important plant as a food buffer for the community. The constraint in soybean cultivation is the success rate of the germination process. Poor germination results in wasted soybean seeds. This resulted in farmers needing to spend additional capital to obtain substitute soybean seeds. One of the efforts that support the success of soybean germination is the use of growth regulators. Growth regulators (ZPT) are divided into two, namely natural and synthetic. Research uses natural PGRs such as shallots, onions and Dayak onions. and synthetic ZPT with the trademark Atonic. Based on this research, it was found that natural PGR with a concentration of 20 g/100ml of water was not able to compete with synthetic PGR with a concentration of 1ml/l of water in increasing the success of soybean seed germination.

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Jurnal J-Pen Borneo:Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian

Faculty of Agriculture, University Of Borneo Tarakan

Tarakan city, North Borneo Province, Indonesia