Nining Triani Thamrin, Sartia Hama, Eka Sudartik


Most of the organic waste produced is still not managed properly so it can hurt environment. The easiest technology that can be in liquid or solid form and is used to deliver organic matter to improve the physical, chemical, and biological qualities of the soil, largely or entirely consist of organic materials derived from plants or animals that have undergone an engineering process. This study used vermicompost from vegetable waste, tofu dregs and cow manure as reference material to assess the nutritional content of vermicompost for composting. The composting process lasted for 28 days. Based on the test results or nutrient analysis or vermicompost, the chemical quality parameter of tofu waste compos had pH 5,89 Nitrogen 0,20%, Phosphorus 2,03% and Potassium 11,95%. On the chemical quality of compost C/N, the ratio of vegetable waste had the highest value of 27,02. Tofu vermicompost had the best value on the physical quality of the compost with a blackish color, temperature of 300C and water content of 13,89%. This composting was done by using earthworms Lumbricus rubellus and the raw materials used were vegetable waste, tofu dregs and cow manure

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35334/iciksa.v0i0.204


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Jurnal J-Pen Borneo:Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian

Faculty of Agriculture, University Of Borneo Tarakan

Tarakan city, North Borneo Province, Indonesia