Mardhiana Mardhiana, Fatimah Arum Subekti, Muhammad Adiwena, Saat Egra, Aditya Murtilaksono, Nurjannah Nurjannah, Ankardiansyah Pandu Pradana


One of the efforts to increase corn production (Zea mays L) is by using good quality seeds. Good quality seeds generally have good seed viability and vigor. Even though it has been tested for quality, seeds may experience a decrease in quality during the storage period. This study aims to determine the effect of applying N. mirabilis extract coating material to corn seeds during storage, to determine the best concentration on the viability and vigor and growth of corn seeds. This study used a one-factor Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 4 replications and 11 treatments, namely: P01 = distilled water; P02 = CMC 0.20; P03 = Dithane 2 g/l; P1 = leaf extract 1 g/l + cmc 0.20 g/ml; P2 = leaf extract 0.20 g/l + cmc 2 g/ml; P3 = leaf extract 4 g/l + cmc 0.20 g/ml; P4 = leaf extract 8 g/l + cmc 0.20 g/ml; P5 = bag extract 1 g/l + cmc 0.20 g/ml; P6 = bag extract 2 g/l + cmc 0.20 g/ml; P7 = bag extract 4 g/l + cmc 0.20 g/ml; P8 = bag extract 8 g/l + cmc 0.20 g/ml. The results showed that the P5 treatment (1 g/l N. mirabilis sac extract + 0.20 g/ml cmc) had a significant effect on growth parameters with a plant height of 35.16 cm and the longest root length of 21.93 cm. Meanwhile for the plant wet weight parameter, the P5 treatment also showed the highest value but had no significant effect, namely 35.81 g. While treatment P6 (N. mirabilis sac extract 2 g/l + cmc 0.20 g/ml), gave the highest trend in the viability and vigor parameters of corn seeds with the achievement of potential germination rate (PTM) of 81%, germination rate of 79%, growth rate (KCT) 26.83%/day, vigor index (InV) 68%, and normal sprout dry weight (BKKN) 7.81 g.

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Faculty of Agriculture, University Of Borneo Tarakan

Tarakan city, North Borneo Province, Indonesia