Amarullah Amarullah


Each type of plant at each stage of its growth is thought to have a different light tolerance to support optimal growth. Research has been carried out to determine the physiology and growth of orange, mango, lai and avocado seedlings grown at different light intensities in the tabulampot system, Kampung 6 Tarakan nursery. Seedlings were planted in polybags in a planting medium in the form of a mixture of soil: sand: manure 2:1:1. The design used was a randomized block design which was arranged factorially. The first factor is the type of plant, namely citrus (T1), mango (T2), Lai (T3) and avocado (T4), while the second factor is shade: without shade (N0), 50% (N1), 60% (N3) and 75% (N4). The results showed that the oranges, mangoes, lai, and avocado seedlings were tolerant to low light. If the Q leaf value is relatively low, photosynthesis can still take place, but if the Q leaf value is too high, the rate of photosynthesis will decrease. The highest rate of photosynthesis (A) was in mango (10.079) followed by avocado, lai and orange. The highest transpiration value (E) was in avocado, followed by lai, orange and mango. The light control treatment had no significant effect on the rate of photosynthesis, but had a significant effect on E and Gs. Shade had a significant effect on both plant height (124 cm high from the N2 treatment) and stem diameter (0.76 cm from the N1 treatment). Orange, mango, lai and avocado seeds give almost the same physiological response to light.

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Fisiologi Lingkungan Tanaman Yogjakarta Gajah Mada University Press



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Jurnal J-Pen Borneo:Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian

Faculty of Agriculture, University Of Borneo Tarakan

Tarakan city, North Borneo Province, Indonesia