Abdul Rahim, Surianti Samuel


Fruit flies are pests that attack several seasonal fruit plants. They have population dynamics throughout the year. This study aims to compare the effectiveness of monitoring using coloured traps, and the traps added chemicals attract fruit flies on chili plants. The experiments have installed 15 replications in each different chili plant location. The comparison of the number of individual flies per trap was analysed using the F test and the DMRT test. The results showed that there were 2 (two) species of fruit flies, namely Bractocera dorsalis and Bractocera umbrosa in coloured traps. The yellow traps collected 18 fruit flies, and the green had only 2 individuals. Furthermore, the added chemical compound of attracting fruit flies (methyl eugenol) increased the number of fruit flies caught in the coloured traps. The yellow, green, and white traps found 213, 18, and 32 individuals, respectively. These results indicate that adding attractant compounds will increase the ability of coloured traps to catch fruit flies in chili cultivation areas.

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Jurnal J-Pen Borneo:Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian

Faculty of Agriculture, University Of Borneo Tarakan

Tarakan city, North Borneo Province, Indonesia