Khaerunnisa Khaerunnisa, Ahmad Mubarak, Nurlela M Nurlela M, Ayu Wulandary, Fitiriani R Fitiriani R, Masitah Masitah


Extension agents are referred to as agents of change because they become promoters in influencing the innovation adoption process. There are 4 roles of the extension worker, namely the role of the extension worker as an adviser, an organizer, a technical assistant and as a liaison. At the moment, the role of extension workers is still mostly in technical assistance tasks, but other roles still need deepening of information in the field. The research aims to determine the role of extension workers and farmers' perceptions of agricultural extension agents. This research is located in Tarakan City, North Kalimantan Province. Determination method sample using quota sampling. Respondents in this research consisted of 30 farmers and 2 key informants from agricultural extension workers. The data analysis used is Likert scale and descriptive. Based on the results of the analysis by using a Likert scale, it is known that the total score of the level of perception of farmers in Tarakan City regarding the role of agricultural extension agents at 251.3 and is at the perception index of 45.1%, so the perception of farmers is quite good. Perceptions of farmers regarding the role of advisers get a score of 225 with an index score of 50%. Role perception as organizers gets a score of 297 with an index score of 49.5% in the good category. Perception of the role as a technical assistant gets a total score of 273 with an index score of 46% in the fairly good category, which means that the instructor is sufficient to assist farmers in carrying out their work. Perception of the role of extension workers as liaison Extension officers get a score of 210 with an index score of 35% which is in the bad category.

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Jurnal J-Pen Borneo:Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian

Faculty of Agriculture, University Of Borneo Tarakan

Tarakan city, North Borneo Province, Indonesia